Sunday, July 22, 2012

Biggest Loser Game for XBox and the Kinect

We got a Kinect for my birthday. I haven't done much with it yet but use it to work out. I purchased the Biggest Loser Game to go use for that purpose. Here are my thoughts on it
1- Crazy work out: Besides my total lack of co-ordination the work outs are "hard" while you're doing them. They are totally do able. That's not the crazy part. I had expected crazy stuff, like sometimes they do on the show. What is crazy, is for not feeling that hard, I am totally sore starting as few hours later. It kicks my in the behind (and my legs and arms and stomach....). Don't be fooled by how easy the work out feels.
2- Its a video game based after a competitive tv show, I guess it should be a no brainer that it is going to work like a video game and make you compete. This intimidates me. I just want to work out and feel like I'm doing a good job, and see a good job in my bathroom on my scale where no one else sees except me. I know that its suppose to be a motivator to stand on that scale on the games once a week for a weigh in, but I HATE it. If I know the next time I log into the game its going to force to me do a weigh in and I don't think I'm going to get a good number, I will just not work out. Then I feel guilty for skipping my work out for that reason. But I don't want to have to log my weight into the game and I don't want to face the elimination round. I have going to the elimination round even when I'm not a candidate for "going home" that week. I just want to get on do a work out and turn it off each week. Is that too much to ask.
3- Whoever designed it didn't have toddlers and babies playing around you.
I don't know if this is a Kinect problem in general or a Biggest Loser program problem, but I don't have the same type of problem when playing the Kinect Adventure games. The problem is... whenever my son comes anywhere the Kinect can visually spot him and game latches onto him and ignores me and what I'm doing even though I'm perfectly situated.  It sees my infants but it doesn't following them as the primary player. I have lost many of challenge competitions because it wants to think my toddler is me (the Kinect Adventure game has the opposite problem it has a hard time seeing him.

Well those are my major thoughts. I'm still glad I purchased it. It was worth the cost compared to all the other work out DVD options. Its a good work out. I like that it gives you feed back on how well you're doing the exercise. (although with all things like that sometimes its just not helping you in getting better. I like how it gives you water breaks, and that there is more to it than just the work out options.
It was a good investment.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cedar Lane: Beans, Rice, and Cheese style Burrito

Cedar Lane: Beans, Rice, and Cheese style Burrito
I don't know where all you can purchase these. I buy mine at Costco. As far as frozen burritos go, they are tasty. I'm not a fan of frozen burritos. But I really like these. 
I also like that these are healthy
1 serving is 1 burrito
calories: 260
total fat: 1g
total carbs: 48g
fiber: 7g
sugar: 2g
protein: 13g
One the old Weight Watchers Points is only 4 points

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Multi-Grain Cheerios Peanut Butter

Multi-Grain Cheerios Peanut Butter
I love the Multi-Grain Cheerios (original). It has just enough sweetness, crunchy, and a large serving for low calorie. I also love the Reeses Puffs. However, Reeses Puffs are not low calorie. 
When I saw the Multi-Grain Peanut Butter I knew I needed to try them. Its not as large of a serving as the original but it is still low calorie for the serving size. They are yummy. There is just enough peanut butter to give you a hint of it and not be over powering. It would be awesome if they would make a box that was premixed with the chocolate cheerios. 
Great taste for a great calorie count.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Baby Gate: Summer Infant Sure and Secure Custom Fit Gate

One year ago we were on a hut for a solution of keeping our newly walking toddler from getting into the cat food in the kitchen. Also we wanted to be able to maintain him in a secure baby safe space.
We didn't think there was anything out there that would work for us. Our space we wanted to block off is an awkward shaped great room. The photo below is a picture from before we moved in.
After initial looking we decided on buying a few sets of the linking gates that can form a circle. We thought we could set up 2 sets, one to block the kitchen and one to block the front door opening. So off to Babies R Us to see what they had. That's when I found the Summer Infant Sure and Secure Custom Fit Gate
It expands to fit your space and if your space is still larger than it expands, you can combine 2 of them or they have expandable pieces sold separably too. It mount to the wall. We only about one full set and it spreads our space and has a few inches to spare still.
It has been great. Over the past year, we've loved that we have, we get comments all the time that people didn't know such things exist when they see it. Also it is removable at anytime. We recently had a party at our home and didn't want to impede the flow of traffic so we took it down. The mounts can stay or be removed as needed. For the party we left the mounts but completely removed the blockade. It folds up to a tidy little square and went under our couch for the party. After the party we pulled it right back out and put it back in place. So easy one adult and easily do it on their own. It has taken so much abuse from our toddler but its holding strong. It makes my philosophy on parenthood- controlled chaos, actually possible.
We are so grateful that we found a gate that fit our needs.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Secret Fit Maternity bottoms by Motherhood

Since I have finally announced that we're expecting again (Twins this time), I've decided I can blog about products like maternity clothes now. This was a new product when I was pregnant with my son (baby number 1). After purchasing a bunch of maternity bottoms on the market and not being able to ware any of them we found the Secret Fit products by Motherhood. Other companies have come out with their own version of "full belly band", I have not tried most of them. But the one I tried didn't work in the same way. I was a jersey Lycra type material and it felt tight on my tummy, granted this was just in a dressing room, but I wasn't going to purchase it and have it never feel right. 
I need the Secret Fit from about week 6 or 7 of my pregnancy. Although at that point I can still fit into my normal pants, I can't stand pant waistbands. They add to my nausea. At that point my tummy is super sensitive and any pressure is not a good thing for me. So the Secret Fit's band is perfect, it has no waistband and the nylon spandex top adds no pressure to my tummy. Other things I love about the Secret Fit is that my jeans/pants look like normal pants. Also I can ware them from the start before I start showing all the way to the day baby is born. The top stretches out to accommodate your growing belly, but because of the materials its made of the stretching isn't permeate. 
I love my Secret Fit products. I'm to the point where I don't purchase a maternity bottom (pant, jean, shorts, skirt) unless it is Secret Fit. Its just not worth the money to purchase anything else for me. Products I own: 2 pairs of jeans, pair of corduroy pants, black dress pants, a jean skirt, a knee length grey wool skirt, and a black flowing mid-calf black skirt. To all out there who are expecting, especially if this is your first, I totally recommend saving up the little bit of extra money to invest in a Secret Fit bottom. Yes they are a bit more expensive then some of the other brands out there, but Motherhood does lots of sales. Their sales, in store or online at, make the products affordable. Yes for a bit more you might be able to purchase 2 bottoms from another store when they have their sales, but if you have the problems I do then you're not going to want to ware either of those you bought. Instead save a bit of money, hold off buying the others, and then buy the one pair that is going to be wonderful. I hope that you like them as much as I do. Their pants range on sale or not from $15-50. Average for a good pair of jeans.
Disclaimer: I know that each woman is different, and there are probably women out there who dislike the fit and feel of the Secret Fit. You need to find what you feel most comfortable in. With my sensitivity issues I feel   overall most comfortable in the Secret Fit, if you're like me, this might be the answer to your problems.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Famous Dave's Resturants

Famous Dave's Resturants
I ate here on New Years Eve with my parents. There is a location at the Mesa Riverview but you can visit Famous Dave's site for the nearest location to you. I had never gone there before, but we had tried their sauces before.
My parents had a local coupon through the local High School, that if you buy 2 entries, you get a free appetizer. We had their Nachos, They were a meal in and of themselves, the sort of thing I could just go and order as my meal. Those nachos were super yummy. The table next to us had their onion strings, they liked them so much they ordered seconds of them.
For dinner my parents and I had the baby back ribs, and my husband had a half rack of their St. Louis Ribs. It was all good, but nothing was "to die for" compared to any other rib place. Although our toddler had their adult mac n cheese (they put jalapeños in their adult mac n cheese) and he was totally digging it. We were all too full for dessert.
What did make this a great experience was their service, our server was fantastic, I'm sorry I can't remember his to give him props. Also it was a cold day in Mesa Arizona and they had Hot chocolate waiting when we walked in to greet us. That was wonderful too. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

California Pizza Kitchen- frozen

California Pizza Kitchen- frozen
We have bought these a few times. They taste fantastic and the best part about them is they are so much healthier than other frozen pizzas. I have yet to find another frozen pizza that is as low in calories and fat while giving you large enough servings to feel full. 
For example- on their Sicilian pizza, 1/3 pizza is a serving size, that's 310 calories 14 g fat. My husband and I cut it into 8 slices, if we each eat half, that's 465 calories each or 930 calories for a whole pizza. If you count WW points that is 22 points for an entire pizza, 11 points per half.
In contrast, the frozen pizzas we were eating were 16 points for 1/2 the pizza, and 32 for the whole pizza. 
The only complaint is that I think they are each made by hand, and occasionally are less than perfect, ie less cheese or topping than another pizza. But besides that, they are wonderful tasting.
You can purchase them at any of your local grocery store. Even Costco carries them in packages of 3 these days, in fact this coupon series (Jan 6- Jan 30 2011) has a $3.50 off coupon. A coupon we will be using at our house.